Flavour Guru Andrea Ball: Bringing Ben & Jerry’s to the World

April 1, 2015


Can you imagine a life where every so often, you pack up, hop on a plane and go live and work in a totally different part of the world? Sound appealing? Maybe a little hard, too? It’s reality for our Flavour Guru Andrea.

“I love it. There are some things that are really hard about moving, but I love the cultural differences around the world. You learn a lot and it challenges you a lot.”.

Travel is in Andrea’s blood. Born in England, and raised in Australia, Andrea is well accustomed to being on the go. She spent a year and half traveling through Europe after university, she spent months in Nepal and Africa. Now with Ben & Jerry’s she’s working around the world, launching new flavours with local appeal in Australia, Japan, the Unites States, and now the English countryside.

“My favorite places are often wherever I am at the moment, with the people I’m with.”

Check out Andrea’s Flavour Guru story and learn more about her work and play in different parts of the world.

Meet Our Flavor Guru Andrea